Perhaps no man doesn’t care how his penis looks like, how long, thickness, shape he is. Even the attitude of women to their facial features or the shape of the breast is often not so trembling. Why so?
Here are the ancient, "stolen" ideas about a "strong female", which is all right with its male body. And modern media for adults, popularizing ideal phalluses, and even "in the process of work. "Evolutionarily, each man has an internal need to feel confident - and erotic images and films show what is possible.
But, of course, they are cunning. ANDThe length of the penisIt can be very different, and not necessarily successful (both in business and in sex) a man has a large penis. And very many representatives of the stronger sex in this topic do not have an emotional charge: the man is satisfied with his sexual life, he has good contact with the partner, and all the components of the "life of the penis" (erection, ejaculation) occur in the normal mode and satisfy.
WishIncrease the peniscomes not from a good life. Here you can distinguish three main causes of discomfort:
- The penis is objectively small, full -fledged sexual intercourse is impossible or very difficult;
- Features of the structure or functioning of the penis lead toproblems with an erection;
- The man is experiencingPsychological failure of your body.
For centuries, people have been looking for opportunities to influence the size of male dignity - a variety of experiments were put, and not everyone was successful. What methods of increasing the penis have proved their effectiveness? What are the proposals falling on the request "Increase the penis", It is worthwhile to quickly spread because of their uselessness-or even harm? What modern medicine is really capable of - and what is myth? Let's figure it out.
What is normal and what is not?
In a calm, not erect statePenis lengthNormally varies from 5 to 15 cm, the thickness is 2-3 cm. During an erection, about 1 cm is added to the thickness and up to 3-5 cm in length. That is, the penis is actually any size that can erect, ejaculate, "obey" its owner and gives pleasure is the norm.
Sometimes this information is enough for a man to change the attitude to his organ and directs efforts not to increase the size, but to search for a variety of methods of enjoyment for himself and a partner.
MicropenisThey call the organ less than 2 cm - as a rule, this is the result of serious hormonal disorders in childhood, which led to the underdevelopment of the penis. If the owner of a small penis successfully uses it, treatment does not need treatment. Otherwise, the situation requires a thorough examination and individual decision.
Alsomale genital organIt does not have to be direct - there is a huge variety of forms that can be compared only with the uniqueness of human faces. And again - in advertising we are shown by some ideal samples, but in reality all people and their parts of the body are very different.
IfThe member is curved, and this interferes with physiological departures (for example, the head does not completely open, during an erection there is a painful tension), greatly violates the aesthetics-it is worth contacting a surgeon-urologist. Perhaps you need itOperation on the penis.
What methods of increasing the penis work?
As a rule, medical indications quickly lead a man to a doctor. But with discontent about the appearance of the penis, representatives of the stronger sex sometimes try to cope on their own, "folk methods". Which of them work, and which ones are just myths?
Massage of the penis. A pleasant, but useless activity. On the Internet, you can find an indication that "stressful effects leads to cell division" - but this cannot be achieved by ordinary tissue stretching. It is especially dangerous to maintain a member in a state of erection and stretching it at this time - this can lead to a violation of blood circulation and dysfunction.
Jelking- It is no longer quite massage, but step -by -step manual stimulation according to a certain scheme, quite labor -cost: an hour a day for a year. A possible result of the jelking method is an increase in a member by 2 cm in constant classes.
As an alternative to Jelking a member often givesextensers- These are devices that are worn on the genitals and wear from 3 to 12 hours a day for six months. With the help of an extender, tissue tension is gradually increasing, and their increase occurs. But the result is the same - about 2 cm in a non -erect state.
Drugs for oral administration, creams, ointments - do not affect the dimensions of the penis. The only drug method that has proven himself isFillers with hyaluronic acid. With the help of injections, an increase in the head of the penis is possible (the penis will add up to 3 cm in length) or its thickness.
The procedure is carried out under local anesthesia, its effect lasts up to 1 year, because the biocompatible drug is gradually excreted by the body. Filling of the penis can be repeated.
Lipofilling of a member and ligientotomy
The most persistent effect and an increase in the length of up to 5 cm gives surgical intervention -Operation Ligamentotomy. During it, a ligament under the pubic bone intersects, which supports the male genital organ - and its visible part becomes longer.
How many centimetersA member will increaseIn a particular case, it depends on the individual characteristics of the structure of the body. The urban surgeon at the initial consultation predicts the effect and explains his conclusions to the patient.
Ligamentotomy refers to low-traumatic interventions, the rehabilitation period takes 2-3 weeks. At this time, it is important to observe sexual rest, hygiene measures, and avoid physical exertion.
The effect of the already mentioned extender helps to strengthen the effect of the operation - in this case, this design is needed to fix the penis in a new position so that the ligament supporting his ligament does not grow together again. The dates and procedure for applying the apparatus will be clarified by the attending physician.
Together with this operation, or separately it is possible to carry outReducing the volume of the fabric tissue- It happens that with her folds she hides the penis, and he visually seems shorter. You can also "open" the male organ and visually lengthen it if you remove an excess of adipose tissue in the pubic area.
If there is a desireIncrease the thickness of the penis, suitableLipofilling: Own adipose tissue is extracted from the body zone, where there is its excess, processed in a special way and is administered using injections into the shell of the penis. The organ becomes thicker by 1-2 cm.
The result persists up to 2 years, the patient’s weight loss may affect it, because the fat cells of the penis will decrease along with everyone else. If necessary, lipofilling can be repeated.
Another intervention that allows you to visually increase the male organ -Prosthetics of the penis. However, it is shown only in the case of erectile dysfunction, when cavernous bodies are not filled with blood when excited and do not make a member "hard".
ForphalloprostheticsTwo main methods are used. These are silicone inserts (implants) - with their help the penis looks like it is constantly in an erection, while the organ can be bent and lay in a convenient way. Or a system with pumps and a tank is used. It is sewn into the body, and in the cavernous bodies of the penis the implants themselves are located, which the man can fill with liquid at his discretion (the member "rises") or release from it.
PhalloplastesionAllows a man to return sexual life and natural sensations of satisfaction.
Whatever the problem, because of which the man thinks aboutan increase in the penis- Her decision will clearly positively affect both his self -esteem and health, because regular sex normalizes both the physical and psychological state. It is important not to be used to myths and dubious methods, but to use the achievements of modern medicine.
It is important to choose a clinic where urologists have the competencies of plastic surgeons, where intimate male plastic is not random, but regular operations, and doctors have a wide palette of methods to help their patients. Clinic specialists will help you understand the problem and offer the best solution in each case.The price of an increase in a member, the cost of ligientotomy and prosthetics of a member in the clinic - Individual, it can be recognized at the primary consultation of the urologist.