Instructions for use Rhino Gold

Using Rhino Gold penis and potency restoration gel, you will forever forget about problems in your intimate life. With its help, treatment will take place quickly and without harm to the body; already in the first week of use, you will notice that your penis has increased in size and potency has become better.

instructions for use of Rhino gold gel

How to use Rhino Gold? Instructions for use

  • Take a shower;
  • Squeeze a small amount of gel onto your palm;
  • Apply the gel to the penis;
  • Wait until the gel is completely absorbed;
  • If you have applied too much gel, the residue can be washed off with water 20 minutes after application.

Contraindications and side effects

Rhino Gold gel has no contraindications or side effects! Its natural composition, obtained from plants, eliminates any contraindications. Unique extracts of fruits and leaves have a positive effect on the body and can be used at any age. The exception is individual intolerance to any components.

Pharmacological properties of Rhino Gold

  • Stimulates the growth of the penis in length and an increase in its diameter;
  • Increases endurance;
  • Activates testosterone synthesis;
  • Reduces erection recovery time;
  • Activates testosterone synthesis;
  • Reduces energy recovery time.

Is it possible to enhance the effect of Rhino Gold gel?

The effect of the product can be enhanced by adhering to some rules:

  • Stop drinking alcohol;
  • Try to sleep at least 7 hours a night;
  • Play sports;
  • Introduce nuts and seafood into your diet;
  • Try to spend at least an hour outdoors every day;
  • Get enough rest to restore your body's resources.

Can everyone use Rhino Gold

Rhino Gold gel has helped many men gain confidence in their intimate lives. The drug has passed clinical trials and has no contraindications. The active ingredients are made from plants and do not harm the body. The gel is recommended by andrologists in the UK for men of all ages.

Who is the gel recommended for?

Rhino Gold - a unique cream for penis enlargement and potency enhancement! In addition, it has other important indications for use. Urologists in the UK recommend Rhino Gold to patients who experience the following symptoms:

  1. Inadequate Penis Size: If a man is experiencing discomfort or dissatisfaction with the size of his penis, using a cream can help increase its size and improve self-confidence.
  2. Erection problems: Potency enhancing gel may be useful for erectile dysfunction or deteriorating erection quality.
  3. Loss of sexual sensitivity: The gel contains ingredients that can help increase organ sensitivity and enhance sexual pleasure.